
Professional learning to help educators realize their own potential for positive impact in the classroom, and beyond.


Over the past 30 years, Connect2Learning has been proud to support educators to learn more about how to use assessment in the service of learning.

Classroom Assessment is a powerful way to support student learning. The international research is compelling. And the research-based practical ideas, when implemented, engage learners, helps classrooms be places of powerful learning, and makes the job teachers are asked to do, possible. Connect2Learning is honoured to continue to provide outstanding resources to busy educators from around the world.

Connect2Learning’s resources including books, ebooks, an online courses provide a wealth of practical ideas and strategies for you and your colleagues.

  • Subscribe to our free newsletter here.
  • Submit questions to “Ask Anne About Assessment,” our new column by Dr. Anne Davies here.
  • Select books to purchase here.
  • Choose the online course you need here.

If you have questions about gaining access to our print books and suite of online courses or if you need technical support, please email us at

We wish you well as you continue to use assessment in the service of learning.

Anne Davies, PhD

President and Owner
Established 1993