Books from Connect2Learning:
Conferencing and Reporting – 2nd Edition
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Authors: Kathleen Gregory, Caren Cameron, and Anne Davies
Foreword by Rick Stiggins
ISBN: 978-0-9867851-1-5
Length: 76 pages
Reference: Gregory, K., Cameron, C. and Davies, A. 2011. Conferencing and Reporting, 2 Edition. Courtenay, BC: Connections Publishing.
Price: $27.95
Conferencing and Reporting is full of practical ways for teachers to involve students in the assessment process by having students collect evidence of learning – proof – and having students communicate that proof with others. Have you ever thought there must be a better way to communicate to parents? There is! In this best-selling book, the authors have selected the top tenbest ways to have students reflecting on their learning, collecting evidence of learning, sharing that evidence with others and asking for specific feedback to support further learning. This book includes detailed directions and blackline masters so teachers can begin immediately. It is often said that a village is needed to raise a child. Teachers know a team is needed if a child is going to learn and achieve. This book not only helps students learn more, it also helps parents and others come to understand what is being learned and how to best support students to learn more. In Chapter 2 the authors provide different ways for students to take part in end-of-term conferences and demonstrate their own learning. Processes and suggestions are given for Student-Teacher and Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences, as well as Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences for students with special needs. These conferencing formats OR structures are powerful companions to standards-based report cards.
Sections include:
- Conferencing and reporting are changing
- Students take a lead role
- Audiences are essential to the process
- Initiating conversations about learning
- Involving students in conferences
- Questions and responses
Includes reproducibles for teachers to adapt for their own use in schools and classrooms.
La collecte de preuves d’apprentissage et les portfolios : l’engagement des élèves dans le processus de documentation pédagogique