Books from Connect2Learning:
Transforming Schools and Systems Using Assessment: A Practical Guide
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ISBN: 978-0-9867851-4-6
Length: 174 pages
Reference: Davies, A., Herbst, S., and Parrott Reynolds, B. 2012. Transforming Schools and Systems Using Assessment: A Practical Guide. Courtenay, BC: Connections Publishing.
Price: $44.95
Research shows that quality classroom assessment is the solution to improving education in schools today. Assessment for learning engages students in developing their own learning skills and providing the proof of learning that is required for teachers to report according to regulations. In order for this paradigm shift to happen for students in the classroom, the change must begin with policy makers and leaders. Transforming Schools and Systems Using Assessment: A Practical Guide (the second edition of Transforming Barriers to Assessment for Learning: Lessons Learned from Leaders) shows how school administrators, district personnel and superintendents have implemented a new system of learning for all. By experiencing the process and benefits of assessment for learning first-hand, lead learners can become enthusiastic models for colleagues and students.
Coauthors Anne Davies, Sandra Herbst, and Beth Parrott Reynolds share ideas and stories of how educational leaders have found their way through the challenges, using assessment for learning to achieve success for all learners. This book also features practical ideas and tools to support every leader and leadership team, as well as reproducibles to help implement the ideas into practice.
The companion book in this Leaders Series, Leading the Way to Assessment for Learning: A Practical Guide, illustrates what assessment for learning looks like at the classroom, school and district level and how leaders can support teachers and colleagues in their practice.
La collecte de preuves d’apprentissage et les portfolios : l’engagement des élèves dans le processus de documentation pédagogique